May 15 - The Cotswold Way Old Sodbury to Cold Ashton

Well, I can't provide photos from the trail because I didn't walk the trail. A muscle just to the back of my left hip (a glute?) is in pain. Even Aleve is not helping.
Elsie at the Old Sodbury Hotel suggested that I take the Stagecoach 620 from the stop up the street to Bath. There, I'd be able to get a taxi to my next accommodation. The bus ride was fun. We went to several small towns. The names of town in this area are creative. Here is a screen capture from Google Map, to give you an idea.

I laughed out loud when I read Pucklechurch on a directional sign we passed.
This bus was clean and, when I took the photo, had few passengers. More folks climbed on board as we got closer to Bath. Most everyone was around my age or older.

We passed this house being engulfed by Wysteria.

It took about an hour to reach Bath. Since it was 10-ish, I went into Cafe Nero for a coffee. This is a espresso bar, so I had a large Cappuccino and poke around on my phone. Then I walked through a shopping district near the bus station. About 12:30, I stopped in at an Italian restaurant and enjoyed a small Margherita pizza with a small (175 ml) glass of Primativo wine.
I stopped in at a bank to try to swap my old £10 note for a new one. No go. I needed to have an account with them. They suggested I go to a Currency Exchange shop. So I will try that when I'm back here tomorrow.
Now I was ready to get a taxi and head for Hill Farm just west of Cold Ashton. Success! A bit pricey at £20, but worth it. I took a few pictures while in Bath. I'll put them in with tomorrow 's post.
The Hill Farm is absolutely charming! It is literally on the Cotswold Way. 

The farm looks out over the pastures across the way, complete with cows.

The occasional screech is that of a Pheasant.  There are lovely plantings including a gorgeous Clematis. 

This place is idyllic.
Tomorrow, I'm going ride to Bath with Nic. I'll get there a little earlier than planned. I will do some research to find another coffee shop. Steve plans to arrive around noon by train.
The Adventure continues!


  1. A pulled muscle will not keep you down. You still got to see beautiful rolling hills and puffy clouds.


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