Day 2 of 8 Thames Path West - Kemble to Ashton Keynes

May 3, 2023 After a delightful breakfast, we were picked up at 9:30am by Lenny. She made us take a photo of her sign on the cab so that we'd have her phone number in case we ran into difficulties.

This was fortuitous!
She drove us to a path that lead us to the headwaters of the Thames, which was dry today. The Thames Path officially started here. We soon noticed that we were walking beside a small, clean, swiftly moving brook. This was the beginnings of the Thames.

We continued to walk, and walk. We had hoped to reach Somerset Keynes for lunch. We were south of Ewes resting on a bench, when a young lady with a very wet, muddy dog walked toward us. "Beyond the first gate it's quite muddy and the water is deep. It went over the top of my wellies." We adventured out on our own to see how bad the conditions were. They were bad.

After struggling to get thru by hanging on to barbwire fencing (!), we finally admitted defeat and returned back to the bench. 

We called Lenny and asked her to retrieve us and take us back to Ivy House. We were hungry, tired, and disappointed. After returning to our rooms for hot showers, Carl & I met up and walked to 12 Bells Pub just up the street for an early dinner and a large glass of wine. Just what the doctor ordered! Our spirits were raised, and we headed back to the Inn for a solid night's rest.


  1. Hot shower, food and beverage was a perfect ending of a soggy day


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